Time Format
昨天听高人说golang的time format很有意思,之前没有用到过,专门了解了一下
fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2021年1月16日" ))
fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2006年1月2日 15:04:05" ))
fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2006年1月2日" ))
2021年1月16日 18:37:18
// nextStdChunk finds the first occurrence of a std string in
// layout and returns the text before, the std string, and the text after.
func nextStdChunk(layout string) (prefix string, std int, suffix string) {
for i := 0; i < len(layout); i++ {
switch c := int(layout[i]); c {
case 'J': // January, Jan
if len(layout) >= i+3 && layout[i:i+3] == "Jan" {
if len(layout) >= i+7 && layout[i:i+7] == "January" {
return layout[0:i], stdLongMonth, layout[i+7:]
if !startsWithLowerCase(layout[i+3:]) {
return layout[0:i], stdMonth, layout[i+3:]
case 'M': // Monday, Mon, MST
if len(layout) >= i+3 {
if layout[i:i+3] == "Mon" {
if len(layout) >= i+6 && layout[i:i+6] == "Monday" {
return layout[0:i], stdLongWeekDay, layout[i+6:]
if !startsWithLowerCase(layout[i+3:]) {
return layout[0:i], stdWeekDay, layout[i+3:]
if layout[i:i+3] == "MST" {
return layout[0:i], stdTZ, layout[i+3:]
case '0': // 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 002
if len(layout) >= i+2 && '1' <= layout[i+1] && layout[i+1] <= '6' {
return layout[0:i], std0x[layout[i+1]-'1'], layout[i+2:]
if len(layout) >= i+3 && layout[i+1] == '0' && layout[i+2] == '2' {
return layout[0:i], stdZeroYearDay, layout[i+3:]
case '1': // 15, 1
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == '5' {
return layout[0:i], stdHour, layout[i+2:]
return layout[0:i], stdNumMonth, layout[i+1:]
case '2': // 2006, 2
if len(layout) >= i+4 && layout[i:i+4] == "2006" {
return layout[0:i], stdLongYear, layout[i+4:]
return layout[0:i], stdDay, layout[i+1:]
case '_': // _2, _2006, __2
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == '2' {
//_2006 is really a literal _, followed by stdLongYear
if len(layout) >= i+5 && layout[i+1:i+5] == "2006" {
return layout[0 : i+1], stdLongYear, layout[i+5:]
return layout[0:i], stdUnderDay, layout[i+2:]
if len(layout) >= i+3 && layout[i+1] == '_' && layout[i+2] == '2' {
return layout[0:i], stdUnderYearDay, layout[i+3:]
case '3':
return layout[0:i], stdHour12, layout[i+1:]
case '4':
return layout[0:i], stdMinute, layout[i+1:]
case '5':
return layout[0:i], stdSecond, layout[i+1:]
case 'P': // PM
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == 'M' {
return layout[0:i], stdPM, layout[i+2:]
case 'p': // pm
if len(layout) >= i+2 && layout[i+1] == 'm' {
return layout[0:i], stdpm, layout[i+2:]
case '-': // -070000, -07:00:00, -0700, -07:00, -07
if len(layout) >= i+7 && layout[i:i+7] == "-070000" {
return layout[0:i], stdNumSecondsTz, layout[i+7:]
if len(layout) >= i+9 && layout[i:i+9] == "-07:00:00" {
return layout[0:i], stdNumColonSecondsTZ, layout[i+9:]
if len(layout) >= i+5 && layout[i:i+5] == "-0700" {
return layout[0:i], stdNumTZ, layout[i+5:]
if len(layout) >= i+6 && layout[i:i+6] == "-07:00" {
return layout[0:i], stdNumColonTZ, layout[i+6:]
if len(layout) >= i+3 && layout[i:i+3] == "-07" {
return layout[0:i], stdNumShortTZ, layout[i+3:]
case 'Z': // Z070000, Z07:00:00, Z0700, Z07:00,
if len(layout) >= i+7 && layout[i:i+7] == "Z070000" {
return layout[0:i], stdISO8601SecondsTZ, layout[i+7:]
if len(layout) >= i+9 && layout[i:i+9] == "Z07:00:00" {
return layout[0:i], stdISO8601ColonSecondsTZ, layout[i+9:]
if len(layout) >= i+5 && layout[i:i+5] == "Z0700" {
return layout[0:i], stdISO8601TZ, layout[i+5:]
if len(layout) >= i+6 && layout[i:i+6] == "Z07:00" {
return layout[0:i], stdISO8601ColonTZ, layout[i+6:]
if len(layout) >= i+3 && layout[i:i+3] == "Z07" {
return layout[0:i], stdISO8601ShortTZ, layout[i+3:]
case '.': // .000 or .999 - repeated digits for fractional seconds.
if i+1 < len(layout) && (layout[i+1] == '0' || layout[i+1] == '9') {
ch := layout[i+1]
j := i + 1
for j < len(layout) && layout[j] == ch {
// String of digits must end here - only fractional second is all digits.
if !isDigit(layout, j) {
std := stdFracSecond0
if layout[i+1] == '9' {
std = stdFracSecond9
std |= (j - (i + 1)) << stdArgShift
return layout[0:i], std, layout[j:]
return layout, 0, ""
记时间方法也挺简单 6(年)1(月)2(日)3(时)4(分)5(秒),严重怀疑只是为了简单。 看来我还是太单纯